If you are in distress or require an urgent appointment, kindly reach out to our reception desk through the following contact details:
Australia: 1300 307 912, New Zealand: 04 886 3160, other countries: +61 8 9388 9000.

If you are at risk of harm, it is crucial to contact your local emergency services:
Australia: 000, New Zealand: 111.

Book a session using your booking code

Your organisation's booking code is 6-characters with both letters and numbers. The code is unique to your organisation. It is typically available from your wellbeing or HR team in your internal program communications, or can be provided by contacting PeopleSense.

If you don't have a booking code, can't find it, or if you're making a booking through medicare or private health care please use our general booking form or call our Reception team via the numbers above.