Intro to Corporate Mindfulness - How to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Mental Health

Businesswoman looks out the window of her office while holding a coffee and practicing corporate mindfulness.

Mindfulness isn’t a word many people associate with corporate business. With so many tasks all competing for your attention at once, being mindful at work may seem unrealistic. However, being mindful at work is where you might see the greatest benefits achieved.

What is Corporate Mindfulness?

Corporate mindfulness is being focused on the task at hand while managing your mental and emotional state. Mindfulness at work means you’re fully present in the moment and not working on auto-pilot.

The Benefits of Mindfulness at Work

Mindfulness training delivers a range of benefits, both to individual workers and their employer.

Able to Cope Better with Stress

Mindfulness in the workplace helps us better cope with stress and anxiety. Working under high pressure where the body and mind are working in fight or flight mode constantly not only reduces performance, but puts a worker at risk of mental and physical illness.

Improved Performance

When workers are completely mentally present at work, they’re likely to perform better. Being highly focused on one task rather than trying to multi-task means you finish the task quicker and at a higher quality.

Higher Level of Creativity

Mindfulness allows you to concentrate on one task allowing your mind the freedom to think more creatively. When the mind is processing multiple tasks, it doesn’t have the space or right conditions to come up with the ideas you need to do your best work.

Higher Level of Patience

Most of us have recognised that we are not as patient with others around us when we’re under a high level of stress, or maybe feeling frazzled because we have so much going on. When we’re calm we feel like we have more time and patience to communicate with colleagues and family members. Workers who practice mindfulness can become better leaders and valued co-workers.

Stronger Communication Skills

When your mind is not focused on the task at hand, communication skills often suffer. When the mind is processing multiple trains of thought and constantly swapping between tasks, it’s difficult to communicate written or verbal compared to having just one task to concentrate on.

Reduced Presenteeism and Absenteeism

Trying to work under constant high levels of stress leads to employees either taking days off as sick leave or not being as productive on the job as they could be if they weren't so stressed. Learning mindfulness skills may even result in a worker not needing to claim workers compensation for extended leave due to a mental illness.

How to Practice Mindfulness at Work

Changing out of a few bad habits can help you work more mindfully.

One Task at a Time

When we’re under time pressure, we’re more likely to try and do multiple tasks at once, which makes us feel more stressed and less productive. Decide which task needs your attention most and stay focused until it’s complete, then move on to the next task and commit your mind fully to each job at hand.

Stop Working on Autopilot

Much of our work day is spent doing tasks that don’t take much brain power. You’ve either been doing them for so long or they’re so easy that you can complete them in a daydream state and you aren’t fully present. Research has found that people are less happy when their mind is wandering. When you find yourself losing concentration and thinking about something other than what’s in front of you, stop and refocus.

Be Grateful (Yes... Even at Work)

Practising gratitude can have a positive impact on all facets of your life including work. You might think it’s hard to be grateful about anything to do with work, but take a moment and you’ll find multiple aspects that you can be grateful for. You might start out just being grateful that you’re paid so you don’t rely on unemployment benefits! You could be grateful that you work with some colleagues you consider friends, or even for certain aspects of the job that you enjoy. If there isn’t enough to be grateful for, then you can be positive about knowing what to look for in your next job.

If you would like to know more about mindfulness training and our workplace wellbeing programs, contact PeopleSense by Altius Group on 1800 258 487 or get in contact with us online.

Category: Mental Health