Integrated Wellbeing Services
For too long EAP services have focused on individual counselling and psychological issues and ignored the bigger picture that incorporates the physical, psychological, social, financial and nutritional aspects of health and wellbeing.
According to the 2017-18 ABS National Health Survey, just under half (47.3%) of Australians had one or more chronic conditions in 2017-18, an increase from 2007-08 when two-fifths (42.2%) of people had one or more chronic conditions. The Australian Burden of Disease Study (2011) showed a large proportion (31%) of the burden of disease experienced by the population could be prevented by reducing exposure to modifiable risk factors.
The five risk factors included in the study that caused the most burden were: High body mass; High alcohol use; Physical inactivity; High blood pressure; Tobacco use. Research shows an effective workplace health program, covering the key areas of Physical, Mental and Social Health can support employees to optimise their health and improve healthy lifestyle habits. Baseline employee screening can assist with this and provides a foundation for strategies to optimise employee health.
Today, employees can access so much more through a PeopleSense by Altius Employee Assistance Program (EAP). All our services are designed to work in synergy to assist with any people-based issues. However, we recognise that organisations may need some or all of the services we provide based pressure points and budget. The following illustrates the range of services available to organisations through a partnership with PeopleSense by Altius.