Home Assessments Assist with Independence

Physical Health

An individual’s ability to perform daily activities can often be compromised by illness or injury. Everyday routines may be impacted, including the ability to mobilise in their home, perform self-care activities such as bathing and dressing, or prepare meals. 

Other activities of daily living may include performing tasks beyond self-care – such as maintaining the home environment, using a telephone or completing grocery shopping. Limitations may be temporary or permanent, therefore a multi-faceted approach to assessing an individual’s needs is essential.

Who Are Home Assessments For?

A variety of multi-level assessments are available from different organisations for any type of injury, illness or aging. The majority of PeopleSense client groups include:

  • Injured workers
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs
  • Elderly individuals
  • Individuals with complex/ or chronic conditions

Home assessments may involve the family / support network of a client, their medical providers and those involved in the care of a patient.

Who Conducts Home Assessments?

You should only use qualified professionals to conduct a home assessment. PeopleSense uses qualified Occupational Therapists for this purpose. Clients and their family members have peace of mind knowing their professional assessor is experienced and interested in the field of home assessment.  

Occupational Therapy is a client-centred health profession, concerned with promoting health and well being through occupations – the activities of everyday life. Occupational Therapists work with clients to enhance their ability to engage in the tasks they want to, need to, or are expected to do.

What Happens During a Home Assessment?

The Occupational Therapist will visit the client’s home to evaluate the following:

  • Health considerations which may impact the client’s ability to safely perform activities of daily living;
  • The client’s current abilities and limitations in occupational performance;
  • Supports currently in place to support the client during their experience of an illness or injury; and
  • Safety considerations.

The assessment is completed via a face-to-face meeting with the client (and their family / supports if applicable), observation of the home environment, and observation of the client’s abilities and limitations when performing specific activities in the home. The therapist may take measurements or photographs to assist with making recommendations specific to the client’s needs.

Why are Home Assessments Necessary?

A home assessment can support an individual and their family in the following ways:

  • Provide support for a safe return to living at home after an injury or during an illness.
  • Provide education and strategies to an individual and their family to enhance independence and optimal functioning in the home environment.
  • Evaluate the suitability of equipment and appliances which may support the person’s functioning within the home. The right aids and advice often contribute to making living independently and safely at home possible.
  • The assessment will identify any areas of the home that are potentially unsafe to use and require modification. Family members can be made aware of potential hazards and difficulties their loved ones may encounter.

Information you Will Receive

A qualified Occupational Therapist will work with the individual and their family to identify areas where the patient may experience difficulties. Recommendations for aids, modifications, services, and education strategies are made to make life as easy as possible for the person and their family. These recommendations include the practical information needed to purchase aids and required materials.

For busy family members, PeopleSense can assist with the coordination of aids and organise the installation of modifications in the home. Our experienced staff ensures the modifications are installed correctly so everything is safe and working as it should.

If you would like more information about how a Home Assessment can help you or a family member, contact PeopleSense on 1300 307 912.

Category: Physical Health